Hi. My name is Genevieve House, but most people call me Genna (except for my Mother). My school experience started in a little town called Poway. This is where I started kindergarten, and continued on into middle school. I then left in the middle of seventh grade and transferred to a K-8th school, for the remainder of seventh grade. This transition was something that was very difficult for me. Most of my peers had developed such close bonds that I found it hard to find my little niche in this small-town school. Being a teenager was complicated enough, and then I had to break my way into the crowds. I finally managed to do so, and by that time I was ready to move on to high school. I graduated the 8th grade and carried on to San Pasqual High School. This was a much easier transition for me since I rather enjoyed school and developing my education. Freshmen year came easy for me and I already found myself forming bonds with my teachers and even deeper ones with my peers. The years carried on and THE year came that everyone always talks about, Senior Year. It was a fabulous year until the California Wildfires of 2007 swept through the valley where my family and I lived. That year we lost our house and our belongings; this caused many challenges for me near the end of my high school experience but I managed to finish strong and graduate with a pretty darn good gpa if I do say so myself ;) My education was taken to a whole new level when I attended Sonoma State University in the Fall of 2008. During those four years, I acquired new skills and new knowledge that I could apply to the career path that I had chosen. I met many new people, and formed lasting bonds with professors that I worked with. I loved my college experience, and I wouldn't change it for the world. There, I received my college education and graduated this spring in May with my Bachelor's degree in Human Development. I was a college graduate as of May 12, 2012! Woo-hoo! Now, I've decided to continue my education at California State University San Marcos to receive my teaching credential. My educational career continues on!

Where am I on the technology continuum? I honestly don't know how to answer that, but I will try to answer it in the best fashion that I can. I would say that I am not very "tech-savy". In fact, after I taught my grandfather what facebook was...he was most definitely running laps around me in the world of technology. I think that pretty much answers that question (haha). I don't so much despise the computer revolution, as I do the MAC revolution (but that's only because I know so little about them). Most of my experiences with computers have been in the use of microsoft word (I've written many essays in my college career). Hopefully, this class will teach me many new skills that I need to acquire for the realm of my professional life. I am excited and ready to become more "tech-savy."
The second sentence in the College of Education Mission Statement is one that resonates with me very much so. The statement "We are committed to diversity, educational equity, and social justice, exemplified through reflective teaching, life-long learning, innovative research, and ongoing service" is one of the many factors that drew me to the teaching credential programs at CSUSM. I have a passion for the founding principles in multicultural education and hope to be a teacher that advocates social justice in my classroom. I want to be an educator who instills these principles in my future students, helping them be aware of the diversity that lies within the classroom AND life outside of the classroom. I want my future students to think critically about every situation and I aspire to exemplify this through my reflective teaching. I want to be the best possible educator that I can be! :)
Heya Genna!!! I enjoyed reading the paragraphs about yourself! Human development at Sonoma State sounds totally awesome! Congrats on recently graduating and marching onward in your education career!!! I look forward to getting to know you!